I need to get pregnant!

Quick! I need to get an abortion! And then get pregnant again so I can get more abortions. I’m already almost out of time, my eggs are way past their expiration date. But still. I WILL SPITE ABORT TILL I CAN SPITE ABORT NO MORE.

I tried to get a couple of abortions already but apparently no one will perform one in the 50th trimester. MY BODY MY CHOICE.

But I swear to god if one more fucking Democrat asks me for money I am going to lose my mind. We showed up. In droves. You assholes have done nothing. And just stop with your lousy bullshit excuses. I’m looking at you Pelosi and Schumer. As a friend said, your arrogance and hubris have run their course.

I’m so mad. but also… well, I give up. let it all fall.