Whatever does not destroy me makes me stronger. -Friedrich Nietzsche

8:29am est

I finally got a stupid interview at pier 1. jesus. i've only been trying to get a job there since forever and a day. jesus. of course what sucks about this is that I am about to go to Tucson for a kinda long vacation. jesus. I bought more candles at pier 1 last night. jesus. I wish I could live inside a pier 1 store. I used to work for them a few years ago and it was the best job ever. seriously. I loved it. absolutely loved it.

man, was my entry yesterday annoying or what?

one of my favorite movies is office space and I went to TGIFridays last night it and it reminded me of it. that's a funny movie. i just like it so much.

this is the one of the few things that makes me happy these days. I have watched it about a billion times and it's still great each time. let it download completely before you watch it. then gush to me about how fabulous it is.

i missed both buffy and angel tuesday night and then dawson and felicity last night. i hate that. TV is such a hassle to watch though. it gets in the way of me doing stuff. or I guess me doing stuff gets in the way of watching TV.

I really need to be getting ready for work. I have to leave the house in twenty minutes. I might be more tempted to get out of bed if I didn't have to deal with that whole hygiene thing every single day. well, my friends would be happy to tell you that I DON'T deal with that whole hygiene thing everyday.

neila bought me this big huge stuffed turtle. eeeeeee!!! it's so cool. I've always wanted a big huge stuffed turtle but I never actually bought one. I love my turtle. he's so huggable and big and huge and stuffed. I kiss him and love him and squeeze him and chew on his head. he's my boyfriend. he will sleep with me every night and buy me the finest wine and put his sting in me. I LOVE TURTLE.

we saw a witch last night and I got so scared I thought I was going to cry. well, I don't know if she was a REAL witch, but she looked like she was and when we drove by her she looked directly at me and stared. neila and I both freaked out.

here's a tip: never give gifts (no matter the value) to a boy that you've started to like, because right as you do that, things will fall apart.

dude, I so need to get ready for work now. ahhh!



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