September 3
are you ready for some football?

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries." -A. A. Milne

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news update:

DSL is available at my new location. I am geekily so happy.


10:41 AM EST

football season starts today. woohoo! growing up I used to hate sundays cause it meant church and then stupid football ALL DAY LONG. now that I'm all grown, I still hate sundays, I don't go to church anymore and I love football (I'm talking about american football here). who do we root for? we root for the green bay packers. since i'm in new england, I guess I should root for the patriots, but you know, I just can't. I don't mind being a red sox fan and I am sure I can be convinced to like the bruins (even though they suck hardcore these days) but there's nothing in me for the patriots. after the packers, we root for minnesota, but you gotta be careful, because as a wisconsinian we hate the vikings but mostly just when they are playing the pack. teams we especially hate: denver, chicago, detroit, and dallas.

let's just hope that green bay's new head coach can give us a better record than 8-8.

and in one month, hockey starts! WOOHOO! I am going to marry hockey and have lots of hockey babies.

kitties are adjusting well to the new house. they do in fact love it, I think. so many places to go and hide and explore. plus, all the windows have actual sills on them and they love to sit and stare out the windows and now they have a place to sit while they do it. they both slept with me in my bed last night. imposter fargo is such a little lovebug. the real fargo is still his snooty little real self. I love them both but I am of course a bit partial to the real fargo.

it's noon and i have miles to go before I sleep. i need a new toothbrush and some batteries. time for shopping!

okay who wants to hear what totally sucks? the only game available on TV here in stupid boston is the patriots vs tampa bay. sheesh. oooh, I bet I can find a web broadcast of the game somewhere. I really need to get direct tv.


use this box for lists. christa's cafe is lists! sweet magical tasty lists!

For every list, there is an anti-list. I actually don't know what that means.
But who really cares? not me!

things I'm bad at:
-letting it go
-saying no
-remembering things
-returning phone calls/email
-saving money
-throwing stuff away
-waking up in the mornings
-sending packages, etc in the post


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