June 18
do you really think you deserve it?

"when men fuck our cunts against our will, we often feel like a diarrhea shit has been offed upon the very essence of our soul, and may live the rest of our days cleaning it off in whatever way we see fit." -Inga Muscio

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best friend application IT WORKS NOW! GO DO IT! HURRY!
my epinions



news update:

Fargo is doing much better. He still cries a lot but he's running about the house and playing with his toys and acting a little more like the Fargo he once was.


8:42pm EST

I love my therapist. she likes me despite all my stupid shitty self-destructive behaviour (oooh, look at me using the "u"). she reminds me of the good stuff. she convinces me I am not a lost cause. of course, all the hours after I leave her office are quite different than the one hour I spend with her. She may think that I'm more than what I do, but out here, it's what I do that matters. That's what people see. and what my therapist knows and what I share with her--well that is stuff that most people will never see, know or hear. so it's my behaviour (heehee) that defines me. and based on my behaviour (teehee), I am pretty damn worthless.

but I'm cute! and I like to buy gifts! so don't you be scared. now get over there and fill out my best friend application. I am getting so lonesome. lonesome christa lone lone no one around empty sound moan with a stone in your heart be smart I want to be found.

I think about boys and sex way too much. boys boys sex boys sex sex sex ohhh sex boys sexy boys boys boys sex sex sexy sexy sex boys oh oh i love sex you boys.

I bought a fan at wal-mart for $9.97 and it is the best fan IN THE WORLD. it's small and it's quiet and it's a dream. I think I still need an air conditioner in my room, but this fan...well, I kiss this fan. I kiss you fan!

I spent most of today cleaning and straightening and organizing my room. I brought back lots of stuff from arizona and now I gotta find a place for it all. anne-marie and I went and saw small time crooks. woody allen. it was alright, it got on my nerves a little, there are definitely better woody Allen films, although my boyfriend michael rapaport did an amazing job, as usual. he's a sexy sexy fox, isn't he? there were some funny jokes in the movie, I laughed.

speaking of Anne-Marie, I love her and her family. and neely's too. I spent a bit of time with both families this weekend and they're all good. it's so nice. they all crack me up. did you know that when someone says "it'll be some good crack" and they are irish, it means fun? that's what it means. also, when the Irish ask how you are doing, you say "grand", not fine or good. And umm...other sexy stuff like that. I hate those irish boys but I love them and even when they are being assholes they are still so cute. I have a mad crush on one Irish boy who is with a different woman every single night I see him and I've had a few people say "oh he's an asshole" but how can I fault a boy for being a boy? that doesn't make him an asshole. And of course because I am a STUPID GIRL with STUPID THOUGHT PROCESSES, the more unreachable and un-gettable he becomes, the more I want him. I think "oh, if I were the right kind of girl, he'd come around. he'd want me and only me. if I were the right kind of girl". lots of things wrong with this way of thinking. first of all, it probably isn't true. And even if it were true, I could never be that right kind of girl and even if I were the right kind of girl, he wouldn't realize it. It doesn't matter, in the end I'll find someone new to like and he'll eventually go back to ireland and the misery will continue, uninterrupted, same place, different time, admission is free.

I tried to explain to Morgan the reasons for my distance with him, but I think I did a bad job of it. I seem to have a hard time keeping friends. maybe the first friend or two that you lose you can chalk up to circumstances and lay the blame elsewhere, but when it continually happens you have to realize that the problem is you, something inherently flawed and broken within yourself. the thing is--I have never stopped loving any of these friends I've lost. Not once, even now. No matter what they did or said, no matter what happened. this makes me better than them (i'm kidding, relax).

In exactly one month, it will be my birthday. please plan accordingly.

okay, it's 9pm and I still have things left to do. This means good bye. but I do love you. unless you have a stupid name. you all know who you are.



use this box for lists. christa's cafe is lists! sweet magical tasty lists!

For every list, there is an anti-list. I actually don't know what that means.
but who really cares? not me!

songs I never ever get tired of hearing. ever:

-under pressure/david bowie & queen
-possum kingdom/the toadies
-headache/frank black
-any jeff buckley, especially morning theft
-fake plastic trees/radiohead
-till my head falls off/they might be giants
-winter/tori amos
-good life/weezer
-piece of my heart/janis joplin
-hey jealousy/gin blossoms
-tutu of shame/fez

I should probably quit at ten because this could go on forever and these were only the songs I could think of at the time and there are so much more, like right now I am thinking of fifty more songs and some artists' entire library I could list and it would get very out of control and I know there are tons of songs I am forgetting. I just like music lots and lots and lots.


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