June 10
please come back. please.

"giddy up ." -no nookie neely

archive (sort of)
last time
all the times

best friend application
my epinions
God Himself



news update:

almost the entire back of my hand in covered in a bruise due to my cat biting me.


6:02 pm, Eastern Standard Time

I'd like to thank Mr. Succa for making loafe.com better than it possibly deserves. I tried to get him to update again for me but he just wouldn't do it. something about him having a life and work and his own site and blah blah crappy crap.

so for a vacation I didn't get much relaxing. It was pretty much stressful the entire time. I am sick of talking about it and thinking about it, but it's still affecting me and I'm still sad and things just kept going wrong and nothing is ever just okay. ARGH.

anyway, I'm home now. back in boston. one thing I learned while away: I'm where I belong. at least for now.

it is so hot in my room. like I did in Arizona, I just keep walking around singing "excuse me while I burst into flames". Incubus was talking about my room or Arizona when they wrote that song, I just know it.

I am so tired. and hot. JESUS. I think I can bake cookies in here. just slap some dough on the shelf and then I have warm soft cookies.

I wish I could rewind back to May 10th and start over again.

bye bye Paul.


use this box for lists. christa's cafe is lists! sweet magical tasty lists! Unfortunately, "christa's cafe", as it's so jovially called, will be known as the "Succa Shop of Sin" for the time being.

For every list, there is an anti-list. I actually don't know what that means.
but who really cares? not me! and definitely not you! because, you're all a bunch of unwashed freaks who's only break from the empty glare of the computer monitor is to polish your set of Magic: The Gathering commemorative shotglasses!

sexiest people in the world:

Now we're gonna take a little trip back to a magical time known as 1994:

Me: Hey baby, how about we go get a pizza and then go home and fuck?
Her: You're a disgusting pig.
Me: What, you don't like pizza?


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